Category Archives: Forgiveness

As If It Never Happened

You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way, and in kindness you follow behind me to spare me from the harm of my past. With your hand of love upon my life, you impart a blessing to me.

Psalms 139:5 (The Passion Translation)

Has something ever happened that seemed out of place, that did not match what you knew of the world?  Have you ever found that an object did not match what you remembered of it?  Or maybe it suddenly appeared or disappeared in an improbable way?  Or maybe the words of something have changed?  These little glitches have been dubbed the Mandela Effect by many who have experienced them.

The idea of the Mandela Effect may seem New Age-y to many, but there’s actually scriptural support for such a phenomenon in the Bible, though very little is said of it in that way.  I have experienced a few incidents of what appeared to be a changed past myself, so this is a topic of particular interest to me.

I have often wondered what causes this phenomenon and how it might be controlled.  I believe I have found the answer.  Reality changes as we repent and forgive.  This is verified in my experience in that I noticed more incidents of the so-called Mandela Effect while I was studying Spiritual Psychology at University of Santa Monica and also while studying Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), a past life hypnosis technique.  Both of these experiences incorporated processes of forgiveness, repentance, and healing, even if they were not called that.

Whether the lives explored in the QHHT process are truly those of the client in another time and place, or they are independent lives seeking healing, or they are an expression of an essential oneness that is generally not perceived on this planet is up for debate and beyond the scope of this article.  What does seem to be true, though, based on accounts of sessions, is that a communication link is established with the individual in the other lifetime during the session.  I would say that the link connects across the span of time, but it seems more likely that the link is made from a position outside of time achieved in the process of the hypnosis.

The following verses in Isaiah tell of how the Lord plans to heal the earth.  Prior verses tell of the destruction of those who follow strange gods.  The following is promised to those who follow the One TRUE GOD [ אלהים אמן, ‘ĕlôhı̂ym ‘âmên ] after that destruction has taken place.

“Then who blesses on earth, will bless by the TRUE GOD [ אלהים אמן, ‘ĕlôhı̂ym ‘âmên ];
And who swears upon earth, will swear by the TRUE GOD;
When old wrongs are forgot, and are hid from My sight,
When New Skies I create and New Earth,
Nor the Old be remembered, or brought up to mind.

For ever and ever in what I create,
They will joy and be glad,
For Jerusalem I will create a Delight,
And her People a Joy!”

Isaiah 65:16-18 (Ferrar Fenton translation)

The people will be a joy because they are now healed and no longer ruled by their traumas.  And so, it would appear that when we repent and forgive, we assist in the creation of the New Skies and New Earth.

The video below features Von Galt, a Buddhist practitioner of QHHT, and Cynthia Sue Larson, a physicist.  Though these people are not speaking from a Biblical context, the phenomena they are discussing can be brought into a Biblical context, which is what I will attempt to do.

The following transcript clip begins at 38:38.

Von Galt:  The thing in Buddhism is being 5D is all about living in the now, which I found is a two-step process.  I’m not sure what your step is, but the two-step process that I found is, one, to heal old baggage, which releases trauma out of our aural fields, because our chakras do hold memory of traumatic events in this life and all our other lifetimes.  The belief is that if you heal old traumas or old dense energy in your aural field, it will lift up your frequency.  So heal all that baggage.

Simply put, this is saying that our soul body tends to hang onto old hurts and traumas.  Healing is the process of releasing these hurts and traumas.  In Biblical terms, this is done through the processes of repentance and forgiveness.

VG:  And then the second one is, inner work does tune in more energy into your aura field.  So this is why spiritual people who tune into more light, they activate and amplify their sixth senses according to our belief system, and by doing so, they not only transcend the future, but they also can change their past history, which can be seen in reality changes itself.  However not everyone is self-aware of their own reality.  We call it dharma.  They’re not self-aware of their own reality, and so they’re unconsciously doing this on their own.  Or not really doing it so much, which is why they are still working on mastery of the Buddhahood, is what we call it.

This is how I encountered the Mandela Effect.  Incidents took place without my knowing why.  The first of these incidents that I recall took place in the early 1980s when an object disappeared virtually out of my hands in a discontinuous moment in which one moment in time did not seem to be connected to the next.

VG:  So the reason why I say that is, are personal reality shifts a symptom of how consciousness changes reality?  If you heal the old dense drama so much, you can literally change the past and also change the future right now.  Is that how it’s working?

Cynthia Sue Larson:  This is a lot to unpack here.  Each one of these concepts is huge.  It’s like a two hour… like the idea of now: that’s huge because time, in the way that standard physics operates and classical physics operates…  It’s very rare.  You’ve heard relativity.  That’s because it matters where someone is, is how time is moving, how fast you’re going affects time as well.

But then you get into the experiential stuff.  For most people, they think that they’re of one unified consciousness.

To help you understand what she is about to say, it should be noted that Cynthia Sue Larson mentioned earlier in the interview that she was born with a memory of a previous life on another planet and of the resting time between lives.

CSL:  Remember the reason I felt like I was on the wrong planet [as mentioned earlier in the interview]?  I noticed that people were tangled up in their own underwear.  It’s just like they’re thinking one thing, they’re hurt somewhere else, and they’re just going all directions at once.  It’s a mess, and they think that they’re one person.  It looks like a clown show.  It’s just a mess, a complete mess.

This would be a way of expressing our nature as body, soul, and spirit.  Standard Christian theology recognizes that we are triune beings of this composition.

CSL:  So the trouble is, to really get some good effects, you have to first know yourself.  Recognize that you are this integrated being of many levels.  You’ve heard of the Tibetan Book of the Dead and so forth.  Going through those levels, it all starts off great; but then as you go through them, it’s kind of like going down into the depths of yourself.  When you get down to the lower chakras, whoops whoops whoops!  And if you don’t have joy in those lower chakras, if it’s not blissed out, whoops!  I think a lot of people live through that kind of chaos that we see in the social media and all those things you’re talking about.  We totally bring it in.

This is describing what it is like to operate in a state of hurt and trauma.

CSL:  And so one of the easiest best things—well, not easy—simplest best things to do is to just clear things out.  That’s a great tool, to look at your past, but basically it could be anything.  It might be worrying about the future.  You might be kind of freaked out, kind of anxious about all sorts of things.  People have a lot of fears.

The best way to clear out is to repent and forgive.  Remember, from The Meaning of Repentance, these processes are not truly complete until a shift occurs.  That moment in which the shift occurs could well be the moment when the past and future change as well.

CSL:  I do individual one-on-one work because everyone is so unique, so different.  I don’t find it to be a cookie-cutter situation where, oh, you follow these steps and you’ve got reality shifting every time.  Not necessarily because there could be a glitch when you get to a certain level where you’ve got…  It’s like a fancy car with all these cylinders.  If they’re not all tuned, it’s a problem.

Bringing Jesus into the process helps eliminate the glitching.  When you express sincere desire for true repentance and forgiveness and ask Jesus to help you accomplish it, He can help you get past barriers that might be blocking your efforts to do it on your own.  With Jesus’ help, it may not even be necessary to consciously know all of the details of what is troubling you.  Healing can occur in an instant.  (See Hear Holy Spirit Speak and Another Demonstration of Dr. Dennis Clark’s Forgiveness Method for more on this.)

Another HUGE reason to bring Jesus into the process is that He can be our advocate in the Mercy Court to release us from any claims that the enemy may have on our lives as a result of the sins we are repenting.  This is KEY because you can build your peace all you want; but if the enemy has a case against you and you have no advocate, you can still lose it all.  I’ll be covering this topic further in future posts.

VG:  It becomes…  I wonder if everybody’s way of clearing dense energy…  Some energy is so dense that it doesn’t even exist in this lifetime, and they don’t know why they have a phobia of something.  They probably have a past life that they have a phobia of from an experience, but they don’t know.  They don’t have recall of it because they never had that experience.

This is the Biblical concept of sins being passed down through the generations, as expressed with the second of the Ten Commandments.  Indeed, trouble often ensued in the Bible when marriages were made with people from other cultures with different gods.  Think Jezebel and Delilah, for instance.

“You shall not make for yourselves any image, or likeness of anything that is in the heavens above; or that is upon the earth beneath; or that is in the waters lower than the earth; you shall not worship them or serve them, for I, your EVER-LIVING GOD [ יהוה אלהיך , Yahweh your God ], am a jealous GOD [ אל, ‘êl ], visiting the sins of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me; but I show mercy for thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.”

Exodus 20:4-6 (Ferrar Fenton translation)

CSL:  It’s like firmware in a computer.  Into the architecture.  You got through that stuff, too.

VG:  Yes, you can clear that stuff, and so in the concept of the fifth dimensional energy… like the third dimension is obviously the three dimensions of form.  The basic concept of the third dimension, three dimensions of form.  This is how we exist.

The fourth dimensional awareness is all happening in our head.  It’s all happening in our consciousness.  The different levels and dimensions are happening in our psyche, in our consciousness.  They’re not happening out here [indicating away from herself] because everything out here is created from our consciousness.  And so the fourth dimensional consciousness, in our concept, is linear, where you have the past affects the present.  You live in the present because of your past decisions.  The future is affected by the present.  It’s a linear concept of time.

Fifth dimensional awareness, from our understanding, fifth dimensional awareness of the higher energies is that all of it exists at the same time.  And so in any moment, now, if you address a dense issue or you forgive something or you see a different way—find some way to transcend—and something that you reviewed that has been bringing down your energy, then you completely forgave it, but not just in this moment, but in the past and in the future as well.

So now all of a sudden…  And this is what I have with my hypnosis clients.  They’ll come in for a Mandela Effect.  So I write about this as well.  They’ll come in because their past has completely changed when they no longer hold anger towards somebody in the family.  And now that person has a completely different history than they remember experiencing.  And so they’ll show up with—I said in other interviews—a client will come through for hypnosis going, “I need to know what is going on with my reality because I got over my hang up with my sister, and then all of a sudden, her broken leg which was on one side is now on the other leg,” and it happened a little bit different in the reality that they remember having.  “So why is it that all of a sudden, my history completely changed in my life?”

And so we’ll go through, and it’s because, under hypnosis, it was said that “You changed the way you saw something; and when you changed the way you saw something, you no longer held your sister to that viewpoint and to that type of person.  You allowed her to be a little bit different, and the little bit different sister broke her leg a different way.  And so now you switched to a different reality where it’s a little bit higher frequency.  And that’s why things are a little bit different in this reality that you’re experiencing.”

So that’s like the concept of fifth dimensional awareness is seeing that everything exists at the same time.  And if you can heal those dense issues and those perspectives that are holding you to a certain level of consciousness in a certain reality, if you change that, then you change your energy and you switch off into a different reality.  The fifth dimensional awareness is that we can change the future of 500 years in the future by healing the way we see AI, the way we see our self in relation to that.  And we can also change our history in the past as well by letting go and holding on to certain perspectives that are keeping that in existence.

So what Von Galt is saying here is that when we heal [repent of and forgive] our perceptions of things, we potentially change our reality backward and forward.  This is the healing of ourselves, others, and the planet.  At some point, it can become as if none of it had ever happened and is no longer remembered, as was promised in Isaiah.

Another Demonstration of Dr. Dennis Clark’s Forgiveness Method

Sid Roth had Drs. Dennis and Jennifer Clark on his show for a mentoring session.  Dr. Dennis Clark shared his forgiveness and healing method in simple terms.

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The transcript of the process is from the video beginning at 11:10, but be sure to watch the entire video to hear how this process has helped others.

Sid Roth:  Dennis, you said that it’s so simple, you can teach children.

Dr. Dennis Clark:  Yes.

SR:  I want you to demonstrate, but use the greater knowledge you received afterward, the best you can as if you were talking to a child and demonstrate what you told your wife to do and have her explain this whole principle.

And there’s something I just want to make sure you clarify.  When people hear spirit, they immediately think, because there’s a word in the Bible that they translate sometimes as heart, so you immediately think your spirit is here, in your heart, but that’s not what Jesus said.  Jesus said, “Out of your innermost belly will flow rivers of living water.”  [He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.  John 7:38]

So many people, and see the heart is closer to the head, and they drop to their heart, but they’re really in their head and they don’t realize it.

So, I want you to pray with Jennifer the way you did originally, but as if you’re also praying for a child.  I want, by the time they’re through, I want everyone to say, “I understand what he was saying and I’ll use it myself.”

DC:  We use Bucket Man.  And we had third graders that when they were done, said, “Everybody knows there’s no living water in your head.”

Dr. Jennifer Clark:  So just like when we sat down.

DC:  Just like one of those old-fashioned wells that have the crank, I said, “Close your eyes.  Just imagine that bucket going down here and you’re not busy thinking, you’re busy paying attention,” and I had her put her hand on her belly because it kept her from staying up here [indicating head].

And every thought has a corresponding emotion, so I’d say, “The bucket is down there now.  Whatever you think of in your head has a feeling.  Tell me the feeling, not the thought.  Tell me the feeling.”

And she goes, “Well, I’m picturing my mother.”

What’s the feeling?


And I said, “Fine, we’re going to go for the hurt.”  Most people try to change the thought.  No, mother is mother, hurt is hurt.

We’re going to go to the source and say, “Let Jesus the forgiver in you,” and I use two words:  let or allow.  That gets rid of the try hard.  Let or allow.  Down here [indicating belly] they go like this [and he opens his hands, palms up].  Let or allow Jesus in you, the forgiver, which also takes away.

SR:  Excuse me, Dennis, I think everyone at home and everyone here should do what he’s telling Jennifer to do.

DC:  It’s very easy.  I can walk you through it.

Just close your eyes.  The tendency is that you drop down.  Let the bucket go all the way down to the belly area.  Any person or situations that come to mind, just nod your head.

That person or situation has a corresponding emotion down in the belly.  When you feel it, even if you don’t know exactly how to name it, you know it’s not peace.  Nod your head.

Okay, that needs to be removed.

Let Jesus the forgiver in you, allow Jesus the forgiver in you, to go to that toxic feeling, to it and through it, so that out of my belly is flowing, out of your belly is flowing a river of forgiveness.  Nod your head when it changes to peace.

That is a supernatural exchange, just like conversion.

And the interesting thing is, I said, “Let Jesus the forgiver.”  When you let Jesus the forgiver do it from down in your heart, that’s the new creation you doing it.  You’re not doing it from your head.  It’s the real you doing it.  You are releasing anointing.

JC:  Infused together with Jesus.