
I was inspired to create this site after I heard Kevin Zadai’s testimony of his 5½ hours with Jesus.  He talked of it on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! show in the episode Jesus Just Visited Kevin Zadai for 5 Hours. What He Said Will Shock You! posted on August 9, 2020.

After watching the shorter episode, I then went to Sid Roth’s site and watched the extended interview at Jesus Shows Kevin Zadai Next 11 Years in Heaven.

From there, I purchased the book and recordings offer.[i]  I put the recordings on my phone and listened to them on repeat as I drove from Arizona to Texas, a two-day trip.

Kevin Zadai’s encounter with Jesus took place in May of 2020.  What did they talk about?  The next 11 years!  And then Jesus explained the books of Ephesians and Corinthians verse-by-verse, focusing on the body of believers and the importance of spiritual gifts.  Among other things, Jesus told us that we need to remember our innocence so that we can claim the gift of Jesus’ sacrifice for ourselves.

Jesus’ sacrifice has redeemed us from this fallen world.  All we need to do is claim that gift for ourselves.  And yet, many fail to do this because they cannot let go of their past.  When I heard this, I realized that I have a skill set that might be able to help people let go of their pasts so that they can fully claim Jesus’ gift.  I took the Masters course[ii] in Spiritual Psychology at University of Santa Monica.  The program is non-denominational, not even limited to Christianity.  As I approached graduation, I realized that I had taken a course in how to love and forgive.

It is my thought that perhaps the processes taught in that Spiritual Psychology course can be adapted to a Christian focus and thus assist Christians in fully claiming Jesus’ gift.  This site is thus my exploration of Jesus’ gift and also of how we can let go of our past so that we can fully claim it.

[i] These are available as a book and CDs set or as digital downloads.

[ii] University of Santa Monica no longer offers the degree program due to changes in accreditation requirements, but they continue to offer the program in other formats.