Monthly Archives: October 2023

Accepting the current ministry of Jesus

When I was in high school attending morning seminary classes, a question came into my mind:  If I had been born in Israel at the time Jesus was teaching the people, would I have accepted Him?

Think about it:  The Jews were expecting a Messiah.  Their [our] Passover celebration includes setting a place for the coming Elijah.  The return of prophets is part of their religion.  And yet, when Jesus did come, many of the religious leaders of the time found Him to be offensive, and it was they who insisted that Jesus should be crucified.  The spirit of religion had hardened them.  They expected their Messiah to be a certain way, and Jesus did not match their expectations.  When Stephen spoke truth to religious leaders about their lack of acceptance of the expected Messiah, he was stoned.

We are living in a time in which the prevailing energy is that the return of Jesus Christ is imminent.  If a predecessor messenger were to arrive on the scene, how would you receive them?  Or if Jesus Christ were to appear, how would you react?


God’s Purpose for Revealing the Afterlife

I found the following video to be quite moving for me.

From the video description:

Did you ever wonder why we and others are bringing an abundance of NDE and afterlife testimonies to the public, and why these testimonies are healing and saving people more than most other messages or teachings? In this message, Randy Kay reveals words directly from God and within the Bible to answer these and other phenomenons. We live in a momentous period of history. Randy will reveal several words and visions from God that will enliven your spirit and encourage you with how special you are today. Included is a mysterious stranger who Randy saw in a vision – an ominious figure who has invaded our homes, churches, and communities today. Find out who this stranger is, and what we must do to get rid of this destructive presence.

In the message, God asked the following questions:

Why have my children rejected those I have sent back from Heaven to testify of Me?

Why do they think of my witnesses as entertainers, and not as teachers, and prophets, and evangelists?

Randy Kay explores answers to these questions in the video.  In studying out the answers for these questions, the Holy Spirit revealed to Randy Kay that:

By and large, the Christian church has rejected testimonies of those who have visited Heaven to testify of Jesus and of Heaven.

God said,

If my church cannot believe that I can raise my beloved from Death, then was my resurrection of Lazarus a lie?  And if they deny the testimony of Stephen, then what am I to them? A liar of my word?

The story of Stephen is told in Acts chapters 6 – 8:3.

God revealed the purpose for the witness of near death experiences thus:

Heaven is being revealed in these days to prepare this generation for My return.

Tell my church that unless they accept those who are of Me who testify of Heaven, and of hell, then I shall bring my apostles to the unchurched, just as I brought my apostles to the Gentiles.

Please view the video to receive the fullness of God’s message through Randy Kay to His church.

Randy Kay has been sharing Christ honoring near death experience reports on his channel.