Monthly Archives: January 2023

The Lord told us to make declarations.

The Lord, via Julie Green, has been telling us to speak in the power given to us through the blood of Jesus.


  • The Glory of the Lord is upon me wherever I go.
  • Freedom to rule and reign in my life and in my Nation. I speak deliverance in every situation.
  • My enemies are defeated, and I see God’s Mighty Hand strike them down to the ground.
  • I am free. I am free to freely serve God in every area of my life.
  • I am an overcomer.
  • Failure and defeat are not in my future.
  • I have no lack. I live in the overflow.
  • God is my source of supply; I will not fear.
  • I am in this world but not of it. I am protected from anything the world faces. I live under the shadow of the almighty God. My guardian angels protect me wherever I go. I am always at the right place at the right time.
  • The hedge of protection surrounds me like a shield. I plead the blood of Jesus over everything, and the adversary cannot pass Christ’s bloodline.
  • No weapon formed against me in any way shall prosper.
  • I have victory in every area of my life because Jesus is my victory.

— Julie Green, September 8, 2021, Marching Orders – ENCOURAGING WORDS, Video

I have been in control this whole time, My children. So look forward to your victory. Say every day “I am on The Winning Side. God is on my side, so I can’t lose. I am undefeated because the Great I AM defeated my adversaries and everything they had planned for me. My victory is here and now. The Greater One lives in me. The Lion of the tribe of Judah is in me and reigns in my life. My enemies fall before my face. Complete restoration is mine, in Jesus’ Name, and that time is now.”.

— The Lord, via Julie Green, February 10, 2022, JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL AND JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED, Video

For I, the Lord, this day am speaking to My children to declare My Word against the evil in the world today. Your words can damage the power they have had against you. Your adversary has been holding up his people with his power, but My power on the inside of you is much bigger than you realize. Get to know Me and get to know the authority I have given to you. You don’t have to put up with their tyranny, laws, power, or their oppression. Speak against it and not about it.

Speak to their laws that have been holding you captive! Call them down, destroy their power and hold over you.

My children, I did not leave you in a hopeless situation. I did not leave you to put up with your adversary, his power, or anyone he uses against you. Stand up against them.

Lord, how do we stand up against them?

  • Stand up with My Word

  • Stand up and use the Name of Jesus

  • Stand up and declare victory

  • Stand up and declare overflow

  • Stand up and declare healing

  • Stand up and declare restoration

  • Stand up and declare your total freedom

  • Stand up and declare soundness and wholeness.

Declare that you will no longer be held in the shackles Satan has had you in. Shake those shackles off with your authority in Jesus’ Name and the blood that was shed for you.

  • Shake off the despair

  • Shake off hopelessness

  • Shake off, with praise and worship, the darkness and heaviness that holds you.

Praise and worship Me like never before, and those shackles, chains, and prison cells will no longer hold you.

Let My joy fill your hearts. Joy will destroy Satan’s power and hold on all parts of your life. I am that God that can, and I am the God that has promised you I will. My promises are true. I am a sure thing, and so are your victories, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

— The Lord, via Julie Green, June 22, 2022, THINGS ARE HEATING UP, AND WILL COMPLETELY CHANGE, Video

So continue to declare their defeat. Continue to declare your victories. It is all happening, My children, sooner than you think, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

— The Lord, via Julie Green, July 17, 2022, I WILL REMOVE THEM ALL IN UNCONVENTIONAL WAYS, Video

For I, the Lord, this day I am telling My children to declare and decree health, freedom, justice, liberty, wholeness, and restorations. Declare your nations free. Declare abundance and more than enough. Declare and decree peace and joy. Declare the defeat of your enemies.

— The Lord, via Julie Green, August 4, 2022, A GREAT FALL IS COMING, Video

For I, the Lord, this day am preparing My children for what is coming, for what it may appear like is taking place. Your enemies are about to make another power grab.

My children, declare this day:

They are denied the ability to accomplish the plans they are trying to fulfill.
Your enemies are denied access to control your lives anymore.
They are denied the power to control this Nation.
They are denied the power to control this world and its economy.
They are denied the ability to cause another pandemic that they want to use to kill most of the people on this earth.

My children, it will not work, so do not fear their next moves. I am warning you, so you use My authority, My Name, and yes, the power I have given you on this Earth.

They are denied the ability to fulfill their plans.
They are denied access
to the One World Government now.
They are denied the access to start wars they so desired all over this world.
Their power is denied to continue the big lie to steal more elections. 

Deny their power, My children, by shouting My Word and not believing their ability to fulfill anything they want to do.

I am here, My children, and I am moving. Believe in Me more than what you see or hear. Your victory is about to be celebrated all over this Earth, saith the Lord of Hosts.

A showdown has begun that will end in your enemies’ defeat. They are denied the power to stay in their positions. Their businesses are about to be turned over to My children and used to bless the world, not to hold it in captivity, saith the Lord.

— The Lord, via Julie Green, August 16, 2022, YOUR ENEMIES’ PLANS ARE DENIED!, Video

I am the God over all of this Earth. I will not be mocked, and your enemies will see who they have been up against this entire time. They can not defeat Me. They are on the losing side. A great fall is about to take place. A great fall the world is about to see. A great shaking has begun. So shout it out, My children. Shout your enemies’ defeat. Shout your enemies’ demise. Shout! I am telling you to pursue, overtake, and recover all. So pursue them with My Words. Declare your victories and your enemies’ defeat. Do it now, and do it loudly, just like I told My children with the walls of Jericho.

Shout out the Name that is above every name – Jesus. Use it when you hear your enemies speak. Use it when your enemies declare their plans- those that will cause more havoc on this Earth. I didn’t leave you helpless. So declare today – “these enemies we see, we will see no more,” saith the Lord your Redeemer.

— The Lord, via Julie Green, August 24, 2022, INDICTMENTS ARE CONSUMING YOUR ENEMIES, Video

For I, the Lord, this day am telling My children to walk as My children on this Earth. Walk with authority. Talk with authority. Pray and declare with the authority I have given unto you. You have a Blood Covenant with Me, and I will not fail you.

— The Lord, via Julie Green, August 31, 2022, JUDGMENT IS COMING TO ALL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS AGAINST ME, Video

For I, the Lord, this day I am telling My children to declare victory. Shout it out as loud as you can each and every day:

I have the victory in Jesus’ Name against any form of attack, and I have the favor of God which goes before Me and opens up doors that no man can shut. I will not quit. I will not be defeated. The battle is the Lord’s, and He has conquered the enemies before me. These are my days to thrive, not just survive. These are my days to live in perfect health and supernatural youth. Yes, these are the days of the supernatural, and I believe I received the Glory of God without measure. Say and declare this every day, My children. These are your marching orders to declare each day, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

— The Lord, via Julie Green, September 16, 2022, THE RELEASE OF MY EAGLE HAS BEGUN, Video

This is another mandate, My children– call in those harvests. Call in those miracles. Call in the lands. Call in the countries. Call in the governments. Call in the economies that were meant to be yours already. Lord, you said economies? I say, yes, economies, because this is not just about one nation.


For I, the Lord, this day tell My children to take back their authority and take back their nations in My Name. Don’t ever accept defeat. You are children of the Most High God. Know who you belong to. You belong to Me. Receive the victory I have declared and I have decreed. I shed My blood for you. That blood has been shed, and that victory has already been guaranteed.

The United States of America is My Nation, and it will not be stolen. No matter what things have appeared to be like, My children, your Nation is not theirs. Your nation has not been stolen. It may have appeared that way, but I only let your enemies think they won. They have been defeated by their own actions. They have fallen by their own swords. They have fallen into every single trap and have been caught red-handed.

So, this day, declare that the victory is yours. Declare that the United States of America is no longer divided, and it is no longer defeated. It is no longer under the control of the One World Government. The United States is free because who the Son sets free is free indeed. So, My children, declare and decree with Me this very day- the United States is free. The United States is the light and the beacon in this world that will shine brighter than ever before. The light will shine, and the Word of Almighty God will go forth unobstructed in this Nation like never before.

Revival is here. An awakening is here. My reset is here. You will see your enemies take falls you never thought would happen. I am giving and bringing changes to your nations, so receive them this day. Receive the changes. Receive the suddenlies. Receive your victories and receive Me. Receive your new capital. Receive that the rightful president takes back his place in the authority I have given him. Receive a new House. Receive a new Senate. Receive a new Supreme Court and a new Chief. Receive and don’t allow defeat to ever come out of your mouths. Speak only victory and only speak it by the Name and through the Name of Jesus, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

— The Lord, via Julie Green, November 1, 2022, VICTORY FOR THIS NATION, Video

I told you, My children, I do not do things in conventional ways. That is man. Man will not get the credit for what I am about to do. Yes, I am sending My army. Yes, I am sending My military. Yes, I am sending My David with the stone he has in his hand. Oh yes, he is coming. He is coming, and he is marching forward in the land.

So do not give up on Me now. Do not give in to fear. Do not cry in defeat. My children, get up this day and take a stand. Take a stand and say what I say. I will give you the words to say. You declare your victories, and you shout. I told you, My children, to start celebrating. Yes, start celebrating now and walk by faith. Faith says it is already won. If you saw in the supernatural, you would see and know that I am a supernatural God. I put super in the natural.

So, yes, you see your enemies. Oh yes, they are spurting out the mouth. Oh yes, they are declaring, and yes, they are celebrating. Just like they have done in the days past. Oh yes, they have done this before. My children, why don’t you get into My Word and see what they have done? Oh, they have had their celebrations, and they have shouted immaturely. Oh yes, they’ve had their days in the spotlight. They’ve had their days in the sun, you would say. Oh yes, they think they have beaten Me this time once again. They think they can have My Nation. They think they have all they need in money and that they have other nations backing them.

But they don’t see My army is everywhere. I’ve infiltrated the infiltrators. I’ve told you this before. So why do you think, My children, so many of you are complaining this day? Why are so many of you believing the report of the enemy? I’ve asked you before and many, many times again, where are My Joshuas and Calebs? Where are the ones who will believe the good report? Where are the ones who will shout, go forth, and run into battle? The battle has already been won. I’ve already done it. I’ve already defeated them.

My children, all you need is Me, and you have Me. So this day, start to shout. This day, pick yourselves up. Remember what My Word says: rejoice not against Me, oh My enemy, for when I fall, I shall arise. So this day, My children, I am saying again and again and again, arise. Arise in celebration. Arise and start the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving. Oh, and celebrate Thanksgiving in a different way. Celebrate it this day. Start to celebrate today because My children, I am on the way.

— The Lord, via Julie Green, November 12, 2022, YOUR ELECTIONS WILL BE OVERTURNED – Fort Wayne, Indiana, Video

Things the Lord Wants Us to Start Believing Him For and to Write Them Down

  1. Your heart’s desires

  2. Freedom in every area of your life (don’t leave anything out)

  3. Healing and Restoration

  4. Strength and Courage

  5. Financial freedom

  6. Freedom in your nation

For every part of your life that the adversary has used to keep you enslaved and in bondage, The Lord desires and wants you free! Put no limits on what He can do for you. There are no limits with God.

Declare those prison doors wide open, your shackles off, and your freedom today, in Jesus’ Name! Don’t take any more what Satan has done to you or your family. Declare war today. God has called us to battle, and we are destined to win.

Reference Scriptures:

John 16:23-24
John 14:13
John 15:7
Psalm 37:4
Gal. 3: 13-14
Isaiah 54:17

— Julie Green, November 22, 2022, Marching Orders – DAILY LIFE

For I, the Lord, this day am telling My children to stand up and use the authority I had given to you this day. Shout the enemies down and stop the things they are doing against you. You don’t have to wait on Me. I have given you authority upon this earth. Your enemies must yield and bow to that power and the blood that has declared your victories. Nothing can defeat the blood of Jesus Christ.

— The Lord, via Julie Green, December 4, 2022, THE BIDEN’S UNMASKING IS ABOUT TO BEGIN, Video

My children brace for the flood of truth that will take your enemies out once and for all. The door is shutting, so choose and be prepared to stand. Fight those feelings that will tell you it’s over for you when in fact, it’s over for them. Yes, it is over for your enemies. Say it- they are finished, their world order is dead, and its hold over this earth is broken now, in the name of Jesus.

— The Lord, via Julie Green, December 10, 2022, THE RIGHTFUL PRESIDENT IS IN CHARGE IN MORE WAYS THAN YOU CAN SEE, Video

For I, the Lord, this day am telling My children to war in the spirit, to pray, to fast, to decree, to command deliverance, freedom, and retroactive restorations, and to declare everything that has been stolen be given back seven times greater because the thieves have been caught and they cannot keep what rightfully belongs to you. Say that. And say it until you believe it, and say it until you believe Me.

Your enemies are defeated now. So shout this loud. Shout it from the rooftops and let your adversary know his days of ruling over you with fear are over. You will no longer be tormented because the Lion of the tribe of Judah has roared and has fought and has won the victory, and it’s mine. Say this, My children, declare and decree it. It is important in these days to say the right things. It is important to focus on these words and on My Written Word.

Fauci is coming down.
“The Biden” is coming down.
Obama is coming down.
Hillary is coming down.
Nancy is coming down.
Chuck is coming down.
Mitch is coming down.
Adam is coming down.
All the governments that hold you are coming down.
Facebook is coming down.
Wall Street is coming down.
China is coming down.
Any country against My eagle is coming down.
The world elites are coming down, and so is their One World Government and all of their plans. It’s coming down greater than the walls of Jericho, bigger than the Red Sea.

— The Lord, via Julie Green, December 12, 2022, THIS FRAUDULENT GOVERNMENT IS COMING DOWN, Video

For I, the Lord, this day, am telling My children what to say and declare in this new year of 2023.
2023 is:

  • a year to be free

  • a year of glee

  • a year of prophecy

  • a year to end what you see

  • a year of great victory

  • a year of great prosperity

  • a year to bring a great correction

  • a year that will bring justice

  • a year that will bring a great exchange

  • a year for me

  • a year of reversal of the captivity

  • the year of great glory

The year of 2023 is a year to be free.
Call in freedom:

  • from sickness

  • from lack

  • from families being divided

  • in your lands

  • from tyrannical governments

  • from all the things your enemies have used to hold you captive

Say these words, declare them daily, My children, and watch and see how fast I show up for thee.

— The Lord, via Julie Green, January 2, 2023, 2023 A YEAR TO BE FREE AND A YEAR OF GREAT VICTORY, Video

My children, I say again, do not fear this year because it will change the things you see, and it will grow in intensity. The beast system is falling. Call it down. Say it- the beast system is falling today. My children shout it down and shout it loudly. It doesn’t have the power to stay.

Do not submit to fear. Do not submit to oppression. Do not submit to their lies. Do not submit to their governments. Do not submit to unjust laws. Do not submit to their elections and their supposed control. Do not submit to sickness and disease. Do not submit to lack. Do not submit to their man-made shortages; there are no shortages. It’s a lie. Do not believe this anymore. Do not submit to their inflation. Do not submit to their economy. Do not submit to their tyranny in any way.

My children, this is the time to march, declare, decree, war, fight, and take back authority and territory that belongs to you. It’s not over. They will not succeed. They will never win. They are defeated. My Name and My power trump theirs. I will remind you that I live in you. Say this today- nothing is too impossible for my God, and He lives in me. I declare my victory. Say this until you believe it, My children. Shout today like never before. It destroys the power of your enemies.

— The Lord, via Julie Green, January 3, 2023, THE SWAMP IS BEING DESTROYED, Video