Monthly Archives: February 2021

The Word Within Us

The code of life is written into DNA and RNA.  This code is used to construct the body and create all of the enzymes and proteins that the body needs.  The coding is built from four different molecules that combine in various ways.  These molecules communicate in much the same way that the bits and bytes of digital computer language communicates.

Greg Braden talks in this video about the research he did to find out what was encoded in the DNA.

According to Greg Braden, the message of the first layer of DNA is, “God Eternal within the body.”  And so it is that science has discovered the God message written within us.  The genetic codes in our bodies were created by God the Father.  They form a book of sorts written by God Himself.  In other words, your genetic material is sacred text.

The next video brings this into a Christian perspective.

Matt Sorger was taken into a vision where he saw the Holy Spirit do this mind-blowing thing…
▶▶God’s Unstoppable Breakthrough by Matt Sorger [Book & CDs]:
▶▶God’s Unstoppable Breakthrough by Matt Sorger [Digital Download]:

Consider, now, the new COVID-19 vaccines.  Up until now, vaccines worked by introducing a weak or dead virus into the body and allowing the natural immune processes to create immunity to that virus.  The new COVID-19 vaccines work by modifying your mRNA, which is part of your genetic code, so that it will manufacture bits of protein thought to be from the COVID-19 virus.  The latest COVID-19 vaccine uses a genetically modified COVID-19 virus.  This is potentially a problem as well.  Viruses tend to merge their DNA into the DNA of their host in a process called lysogeny.  These modifications to your genetic material, either mRNA or DNA, are potentially permanent.  What this means is that with these vaccines, scientists are changing the genetic code that God Himself created in you.

There are a few passages in our Bible which indicate that God does not take lightly the modification of His Word.  For instance,

And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
Revelation 22:19

As you can see, the consequences declared for changing this book written by Apostle John are quite serious.  How much more serious might it be to change the content of God’s Word contained within your genetic codes?

The following is from a dream report I wrote back in 2015:

I woke up this morning from a rather interesting dream.  Far more often than not, my dreams involve people I am not familiar with in life, and this was one of those.  I dreamed that I was in a large room.  There was a genius scientist, and there were various committees around the room set up to look at his scientific method.  I was on one of those committees.  It was our job to determine whether the scientist would continue in a particular direction.  The scientist was developing different life forms, it seemed.  GMOs maybe?

I learned several days later who the scientist likely was.  This particular scientist had developed a way to print DNA as if it was any other type of document.  Likewise, he had built a sequencer that could read DNA.  He had been playing with his technology by doing things such as creating glow-in-the-dark cats.  I can tell you that the Heavenly Council I had seen in the dream was not happy with this.  The scientist met his end within a few days after I had the dream, before I knew who he was.

I was reading something just today from a scholar experiencer that brings up serious questions about what it might mean to alter the genetic code of our bodies.

“You are to see how life’s blueprint has already existed in worlds prior to material creation, and to understand how a timeless blueprint was coded into this body of temporal consciousness so that your body can put on other garments of God’s creative work through multiple bodies of Divine Love.
Dr. J.J. Hurtak, An Introduction To The Keys of Enoch® Twelve Selected Keys, p. x

In Key כג of The Keys of Enoch® by Dr. J.J. Hurtak, the tRNA is specifically mentioned as being involved in allowing the human to adapt to the new electromagnetic signature of the region of the Universe into which we are entering.  There are hints in this book that our DNA is the pathway of communication that triggers our evolution into our ascended forms.

More can be learned of Dr. J.J. Hurtak’s views on DNA in his article, “DNA and the Divine Names.”

If this is true, then taking any of these mRNA vaccines or other genetically modified vaccines could result in failure to ascend when the time comes.  The quote from the Book of Revelation essentially says the same thing.  Do you understand what this means?  Taking a vaccine that modifies your genetic code could potentially have eternal consequences.

It would seem that this is validated by the vaccine trial volunteer who suddenly started saying, “They’ve killed God; I can’t feel God anymore – my Soul is dead.

This is being verified now by the reports of energy workers.  A French energy worker is quoted in the following article.  She found the client’s soul detached from the body after vaccination.

I was having a session with a person who had received the first and second doses of the vaccine. I had already energetically treated that person, but I didn’t know they had taken the vaccine. When I started treatment, I noticed immediately the change, very heavy energy emanating from the subtle bodies. The scariest thing was when I was working on the heart chakra, I connected with her soul: it was detached from the physical body, it had no contact and it was, as if it was floating in a state of total confusion: a damage to the consciousness that loses contact with the physical body, i.e. with our biological machine, there is no longer any communication between them.

During the treatment, this soul told me that it no longer felt the body and had the impression of floating in a deep discomfort. The energy with which I worked, the energy of its energy field, was very heavy, and you could feel these substances, which are very stressful for the subtle bodies.

I continued the treatment by sending light to the heart chakra, the soul of the person, but it seemed that the soul could no longer receive any light, frequency or energy. It was a very powerful experience for me.

Then I understood that this substance is indeed used to detach consciousness so that this consciousness can no longer interact through this body that it possesses in life, where there is no longer any contact, no frequency, no light, no more energetic balance or mind. Then I started crying for that soul because it was something that touched me deeply, a very powerful experience. I didn’t say anything to the person because I didn’t know how to say it or whether they would have understood.

I realized that it not only pollutes the subtle body or the physical body, but that it is something that has to do with our soul. The purpose is to damage contact with consciousness and try to destroy it. What Steiner (editor: Rudolf Steiner the anthroposophist) said is exactly that. It’s not just about compromising the immune system.”


“There was another change, and again a deterioration, both in severity and in the energy that its energy field transmits, but most importantly, there was a very marked decrease in frequency. She is currently not showing any physical symptoms on the physical body. As for the situation that manifests itself on the energetic level and especially on the soul, it has been confirmed that the soul has been expelled from the physical body, it is still tied by the so-called cord, but it confirms that it is not interacting anymore with the physical, emotional and mental body, there is no more communication. The soul is no longer able to manage these three bodies, to continue its incarnation and evolution process, precisely because this contact has been interrupted.

Since this is a new thing that has never happened before and therefore soul consciousness does not know what is manifesting, the soul is in a situation where it does not know why it has been cast out. It is aware that [already] after the first dose of the vaccine this happened, that it no longer had any form of communication, that it could no longer use these bodies that we have taken on to live on earth. The development and the experiences that the personality transmits to the soul have all been interrupted.”

This therapist is not alone in recounting the impact of this experience, many more have been shared, all with similar descriptions. This disconnection with the soul and the emotional and mental ramifications is leading to higher numbers of depression and suicide than ever before.

A Harsh Passover [Highlights added by me.]

If the above report is true, then the administering of the COVID-19 vaccines would amount to the greatest crime committed against humanity since the days of Atlantis.  Not even the slavery perpetrated upon the Hebrews by the ancient Egyptians compares, since the Egyptians were not able to deprive the Hebrews of their connection to God.  There is NOTHING in this life which could compensate for the loss of the “soul”—not your job, not even the life of your body.  Is it possible that those who inspired these vaccines actually know this?  Is there an ulterior motive for these vaccines of which possibly even the scientists are unaware?

Now, I’m going to step into a controversial topic here.  Whether or not you believe in the existence of extraterrestrials, consider for a moment that we actually might be being visited by them.  According to some contactees, some of the extraterrestrials are humanoids, if not actually humans from a future time, visiting us to take genetic material in the hopes of saving their dying race.  Their own genetics have become so corrupted that they can no longer reproduce.  Changes to their DNA from whatever cause has led to the general entropy of their population.  Our own DNA is highly valued because we are still functional.  Could something such as the mRNA vaccines end up contributing to such a degeneration of our own species?  Is that something you want to be part of?

According to Corey Goode, DNA is associated with spiritual development as well as physical development.  (Humans from the Future, Timeline Wars, Aliens, Consciousness & Ascension, 15:15)  In a world in which science seldom accepts that there is a reality beyond their senses or their instruments, let alone explores it, can we trust that these scientists understand DNA as well as they seem to think they do?  Is it appropriate to allow scientists to change our DNA?

For those who like to cite the advancement of science as a reason for doing anything, please consider that Josef Mengele, the death camp doctor, would also be considered a scientist.  He conducted experiments on humans with no regard for consent or care for their well-being.  Pure science has no ethics or morality.  This is why science cannot be our sole purpose.  Pursuit of science needs to be tempered by the morality that comes from the sense of oneness that originates in spirituality.