Hear Holy Spirit Speak

The video is from ISN – It’s Supernatural! Network, Do This Simple Act NOW To Hear Holy Spirit Speak.  In it, Ryan Bruss interviews Drs. Dennis and Jennifer Clark. They share the simple action you can take to hear the Holy Spirit’s voice.

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Drs. Dennis and Jennifer Clark give you a 2020 look at the all-but-forgotten teachings of the first apostles found in The Didache. It may be just in time.

The excerpt from the transcript begins at 16:50.

Dr. Dennis Clark: You know. Oh, God. Oh. And it was like and then He started discipling. He was using Isaiah 50. “‘I will give you the tongue of a disciple. And it’s so that you will have a word in season to them that are weary.’ But until you hear something Dennis, you don’t have anything to say.”

Host of Something More, Ryan Bruss: Right, right.

DC: I’m going, Oh, He’s trying to tell me I need to listen and quit talking because we’re, we’re better at talking and quoting scripture than we are hearing.

RB: Right.

DC: So, I, I learned that I had to receive from down here [indicating belly] and quiet my flesh like a weaned child with its mother. And see, I mean, I could discern Jennifer was doing it while I was saying this just now. And what you did was you dropped down in your spirit and you’re in receptive mode.

RB: Wow. Wow.

DC: And I know pastors that have altar ministries, they struggle with this, too, because they have people who are praying in the Spirit.

RB: Exactly! Yeah, yeah.

DC: While you’re trying to impart, well, you can’t give and receive at the same time!

RB: I think you actually tell the people when you pray, right?

DC: Yeah.

RB: Just, just be quiet.

DC: Yeah.

RB: Just be quiet.

DC: And even if you have to put your hand down here [indicating belly] and open the door of your heart.

Jennifer Clark: But you’re drinking in, when you receive.

DC: You’re drinking in the anointing while you’re listening with your head, you really can do both at the same time.

RB: Right. Right.

DC: But it’s almost like until that instruction takes hold to where it becomes normative, they need to be reminded over and over again.

JC: Yeah. I did.

DC: Receiving was a function of the Spirit. That to me was a marvelous function of my human spirit. That I had the capacity, the only thing that had to be acquired was learning how to still my mind, will, and emotions from going off on tangents.

RB: And Dennis, like you said earlier, practice makes permanent. And so, I know for me, when I put these things into practice like you’ve taught, it gets easier every time I begin to live there instead of visiting there.

JC: Yes, yes.

DC: Exactly. The key is, people would even say, “You know, Dennis, we do the ‘Drop down.’” But what I’m saying is I would like to take you further into “Stay down!”

RB: Exactly. Exactly. Yeah.

DC: And it’s like drop down is only because your flesh wants to operate independently of that union of the real you joined together, one spirit with Him.

RB: Wow! I tell you what, can you guys just pray into the camera, teach people briefly again how to drop down and, and then whatever you feel to pray over and pray with them so they can immediately put this into practice.

DC: Actually, the easiest thing, if you’re listening and you’re going to learn this, the first thing you could do, and it sounds a little corny at first, put your hand down on your belly. It will help you focus. And you’re not going to throw your brains out, but you’re going to sit there and listen to me with your, with your mind and if you consent. Then you can yield there. There’s people in the room here—are doing it, you can discern there’s a yielding and a surrendering. So now anything that would take place now would be functioning out of that dual awareness.

Now, if you would have something negative when you drop down. The way you would do it then was, forgiveness removes any barrier and what are we doing? Well, the Lord spoke to me, “Dennis, remove anything that comes between what you and I have together.” And that’s what we want to do for you. We want to remove anything that’s coming between you and your Jesus. So, anything that robs you of peace is interfering. It’s interfering.

And so. Well, how do I get rid of that? If, if I’ve got something interfering, something negative, anxiousness, or hurt or anger or there’s just a wall, some people just feel a wall. Then what you do is you let Jesus, the forgiver in you—now remember, you! I’m talking about the new creation You! You and Jesus are forgiving from the heart. And you go to that wall and through that wall.

And here is the key. How do I know if I did it? How do I know if I’m not just listening in my head? There will be a supernatural transaction that takes place, a supernatural exchange, and you will have your own know so down here [indicating belly], know so. Not know so here [indicating head]. It’ll communicate to this [indicating belly], but the know so down here [indicating belly] will be where there was anger, hurt, a wall. It is now peace. And you can’t make peace, you can’t make the fruit of the Spirit. That required the grace of God and a supernatural exchange. So, once you feel that supernatural exchange, you’re back in union and communion with God and your mind and your heart. The reason you feel peace is that everything’s intact, nothing’s missing, everything’s in harmony. Your mind and your heart are one, and you’re abiding in Him until something comes up and distracts you from that.

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