When Life Begins

This post is somewhat fringe to what this blog was intended to be about; however, it is my understanding that this topic is at the top of Jesus’ list of what is important right now.

I am a mother of three children.  This post is about an aspect of becoming a mother that very few women mention.  I don’t know why it is that I was aware of such things while most others are oblivious.

With all three of my children, I sensed the presence of their spirits on the night of their conceptions.  This experience was unique to those events.  With the first, while I was aware of something being different in the room, it really wasn’t until the other two were conceived that I understood what had happened.  With the third, I knew I was pregnant the night I conceived.  Given the timing of the events, it is possible that sperm had not even met egg yet; but these spirits knew they were on their way, and they were celebrating.

My understanding from this experience is that life begins at conception and should be protected from the beginning.  Those who try to make justifications for abortion have continually pushed the demarcation time for when abortion is legal until now in some places it is legal to kill a baby even after it is born.  This is murder.  If we reverse that justification process, at what point does abortion cease to be murder?  I don’t believe that it ever does.  Life is sacred from the very beginning.

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?

1 Corinthians 6:19 (NKJV)

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