Another Demonstration of Dr. Dennis Clark’s Forgiveness Method

Sid Roth had Drs. Dennis and Jennifer Clark on his show for a mentoring session.  Dr. Dennis Clark shared his forgiveness and healing method in simple terms.

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The transcript of the process is from the video beginning at 11:10, but be sure to watch the entire video to hear how this process has helped others.

Sid Roth:  Dennis, you said that it’s so simple, you can teach children.

Dr. Dennis Clark:  Yes.

SR:  I want you to demonstrate, but use the greater knowledge you received afterward, the best you can as if you were talking to a child and demonstrate what you told your wife to do and have her explain this whole principle.

And there’s something I just want to make sure you clarify.  When people hear spirit, they immediately think, because there’s a word in the Bible that they translate sometimes as heart, so you immediately think your spirit is here, in your heart, but that’s not what Jesus said.  Jesus said, “Out of your innermost belly will flow rivers of living water.”  [He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.  John 7:38]

So many people, and see the heart is closer to the head, and they drop to their heart, but they’re really in their head and they don’t realize it.

So, I want you to pray with Jennifer the way you did originally, but as if you’re also praying for a child.  I want, by the time they’re through, I want everyone to say, “I understand what he was saying and I’ll use it myself.”

DC:  We use Bucket Man.  And we had third graders that when they were done, said, “Everybody knows there’s no living water in your head.”

Dr. Jennifer Clark:  So just like when we sat down.

DC:  Just like one of those old-fashioned wells that have the crank, I said, “Close your eyes.  Just imagine that bucket going down here and you’re not busy thinking, you’re busy paying attention,” and I had her put her hand on her belly because it kept her from staying up here [indicating head].

And every thought has a corresponding emotion, so I’d say, “The bucket is down there now.  Whatever you think of in your head has a feeling.  Tell me the feeling, not the thought.  Tell me the feeling.”

And she goes, “Well, I’m picturing my mother.”

What’s the feeling?


And I said, “Fine, we’re going to go for the hurt.”  Most people try to change the thought.  No, mother is mother, hurt is hurt.

We’re going to go to the source and say, “Let Jesus the forgiver in you,” and I use two words:  let or allow.  That gets rid of the try hard.  Let or allow.  Down here [indicating belly] they go like this [and he opens his hands, palms up].  Let or allow Jesus in you, the forgiver, which also takes away.

SR:  Excuse me, Dennis, I think everyone at home and everyone here should do what he’s telling Jennifer to do.

DC:  It’s very easy.  I can walk you through it.

Just close your eyes.  The tendency is that you drop down.  Let the bucket go all the way down to the belly area.  Any person or situations that come to mind, just nod your head.

That person or situation has a corresponding emotion down in the belly.  When you feel it, even if you don’t know exactly how to name it, you know it’s not peace.  Nod your head.

Okay, that needs to be removed.

Let Jesus the forgiver in you, allow Jesus the forgiver in you, to go to that toxic feeling, to it and through it, so that out of my belly is flowing, out of your belly is flowing a river of forgiveness.  Nod your head when it changes to peace.

That is a supernatural exchange, just like conversion.

And the interesting thing is, I said, “Let Jesus the forgiver.”  When you let Jesus the forgiver do it from down in your heart, that’s the new creation you doing it.  You’re not doing it from your head.  It’s the real you doing it.  You are releasing anointing.

JC:  Infused together with Jesus.

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